Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Do they mean what they say; Do they say what they mean!!!

Having spent exactly 12,211 days; 293075 hours on this planet I've got ample opportunities to come across various kinds of species that exist on this wonderful mass called EARTH. But for sure, the most amusing genus I've come across is the "Human Being". One with the maximum IQ, most complex brain weighing almost 3lb engaing around 1130 cc of the body volume. Humans are different. By far very different from any other kind. Most versatile Social creature as they say it!!. They think, they speak, they display emotions, they react & what more can we think of compared to any other living organism...No two humans are common yet the most common element which I see in all is - "Do they mean what they say & Do they say what they mean??". Usually the tales are twisted & disheveled...And with the growing age; stature; social positioning the same tends to grow exponentially. Everyone dislikes it; everyone realizes & comprehends it, yet the pattern remains the same....Why is it that we cant be outright...Why do we have to pose...Why is it that we have something else in this amazing component weighing 3 lb & yet twirl it when sharing it...I guess the answer lies in this wonderful CPU which we all are equipped with....Wouldn't it be nice if the complexity of such nature cannot be processed by this top most 1130 cc of our anatomy....Plain simple Vanila - What one thinks is what he shells & bombards out....Is it so simple...Don't think so!!!

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